PT Gudang Garam Tbk. is a company of the largest cigarette manufacturer in the country. This cigarette manufacturer company was established on June 26, 1958. The company is headquartered in Kediri City, Gudang Garam had a tobacco farm of 514 acres.

Gudang Garam is the leading cigarette brand cigarette market share in Indonesia. Gudang Garam have fanatical and loyal consumers.

Data Center Lead - Jakarta


-Manage and Control operational activities of Data Center and Facility (sites: Jakarta, Kediri, Gempol and Waru) to ensure all equipment in DC’s works properly and can be accessed easily and referring to standard company regulation.


-Supervise and coordinate with Data Centre team as well as maintain good relations with another unit team in areas in order to meet the satisfaction goal.
-Improve and plan Data Centre and Facility that complies with business need and refer to the general regulation.
-Manage physical access to data center facilities and racks.
-Manage external support agreements and liaise with vendors DC’s.
-Responsible to handle all operational facility such as: Cooling System, Power / UPS, Generator, Fire Suppression System, Access Control Data Centre, and others.
-Actively contribute to processes associated with the data center.
-Working location: Jakarta

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